Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

The 9 Environmental Principles

1. Nature Knows Best
    -This is the most basic of all the principles
    -Humans have to understand nature
    -Abide the the laws of nature
2. All forms of life are important
     -Every organism plays a role in nature
     -All living things must be considered as invaluable in the maintenance of homeostasis in the ecosystem
3. Everything is connected to everything else
     - All biotic and abiotic components interact to ensure that the ecosystem is balanced
     -Best exemplified by the concept of the ecosystem
4. Everything changes
     -The only permanent thing is change
     -Organisms evolve through time
     -Change may be linear,cyclical or random
5. Everything must go somewhere
     -Wastes are not lost to oblivion and even goes back to one's own backyard in a different form
6. Ours is a finite earth
     -We have limited resources
7. The amount of life the earth can support is limited
     -Nature has its own process or mechanics to regulate the population of a species within our environment.
8. Human progress must consider its effects on nature
     -Sustainable Development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
9. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God's creation
     -We are given the responsibility to take care of our one and only mother earth

    When I had Learned about the 9 environmental principles in our environmental science class a few days ago, my views about nature has changed completely. Before I thought that the throw away society that we have today had a basis that it was widely accepted today but it had none.
    As a result I have learned that everything in this world is based upon the 9 principles of nature and I tend to abide by these principles in my everyday life(or at least).

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