Sabado, Marso 1, 2014

After All,We Are Bicolanos, Aren't We?

In every lifetime there is a generation, a generation in which different cultures reside, different ways of living, different strategies, different frontiers, advancements and stories are made in their time .In our generation today it is now a different time, a different time where we make a different story for ourselves.
As time passes by, the essence of each culture deteriorates as different cultures coincide with that and apparently influences the other but luckily there are few whom have denied to accept change or prevent complete change and continued what they had and lived on .Few and only few are part of these people and part of them are the people of Ibalon or the Bicolanos.
At the time of its infancy, the Bicolano culture was one that wasn’t to be reckoned with as it is one of the fiercest and was renowned for its famous epic, Ibalon which was about a fierce hero that defended his land from a monster. The people of Bicol was also renowned for its brave and valiant warriors especially those warriors who have fought in the Japanese invasion in which they defended the land with their lives.
Even the nimblest and most common of people then were also warriors. Do you know why? It is because they endured strong storms and volcanic eruptions even without all these new equipment and new architecture of their homes. All they had then was each other and faith.

Every Bicolano born with blood of a Bicolano or born a Bicolano is born a fighter. At any given disaster may it be a strong typhoon or an unlikely eruption of a volcano Bicolanos can gladly overcome it through the help of God, our patron Our Lady of PeƱarancia, the skills and talents we have inherited from our ancestors, with these at hand we will conquer any challenge given upon us and remain firm so let’s make our own story, our own epic in this generation to tell to our children in the next generation, after all we are Bicolanos, aren’t we?

Carbon Footprint


A Carbon Footprint as defined by Championne as " sets of the total  greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product or person. " 

A carbon footprint as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is " the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something (as a person's activities or a product's manufacture and transport) During a given period "

Kyoto Protocol

Carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, and the emissions of other GHGs, are Often associated with the burning of fossil fuels, like natural gas, crude oil and coal. While this is Harmful to the environment, carbon offsets can be purchased in an attempt to Harmful make up for these effects.

The Kyoto Protocol defines legally binding targets and timetables for cutting the GHG emissions of industrialized countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Accordingly, from an economic or market perspective, one has to distinguish Between a mandatory market and a voluntary market. Typical for both markets is the trade with emission certificates:

How To Compute for your Carbon Footprint

Mostly computing for carbon footprint is done through a carbon footprint calculator available online or through an app downloaded through most operating systems. carbon footprint calculators usually ask simple questions Regarding your consumptions.
Often these questions start from where you live and ends with your average lifestyle.

How Lessen Carbon Footprint Emissions

The most common way of lessening it is through reduce, reuse and recycle as this is the most absolute way of doing it
Changing one's lifestyle can also help. For example, eating vegetables and fruits instead of processed foods can also help
Another option is to drive less and use public transport systems as doing so lessens the use of gasoline.
Sum up

Having a large carbon footprint is a bad habit that Should be changed as our world today is having a hard time to lessen climate change so let's help each other and do our best to lessen our emissions of carbon and help save the world.

Sources: 20footprint

Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

The 9 Environmental Principles

1. Nature Knows Best
    -This is the most basic of all the principles
    -Humans have to understand nature
    -Abide the the laws of nature
2. All forms of life are important
     -Every organism plays a role in nature
     -All living things must be considered as invaluable in the maintenance of homeostasis in the ecosystem
3. Everything is connected to everything else
     - All biotic and abiotic components interact to ensure that the ecosystem is balanced
     -Best exemplified by the concept of the ecosystem
4. Everything changes
     -The only permanent thing is change
     -Organisms evolve through time
     -Change may be linear,cyclical or random
5. Everything must go somewhere
     -Wastes are not lost to oblivion and even goes back to one's own backyard in a different form
6. Ours is a finite earth
     -We have limited resources
7. The amount of life the earth can support is limited
     -Nature has its own process or mechanics to regulate the population of a species within our environment.
8. Human progress must consider its effects on nature
     -Sustainable Development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
9. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God's creation
     -We are given the responsibility to take care of our one and only mother earth

    When I had Learned about the 9 environmental principles in our environmental science class a few days ago, my views about nature has changed completely. Before I thought that the throw away society that we have today had a basis that it was widely accepted today but it had none.
    As a result I have learned that everything in this world is based upon the 9 principles of nature and I tend to abide by these principles in my everyday life(or at least).